Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting back into t-shirt season

Got my t-shirt inventory organized this week and started working on painting my blanks. The first farmer's market is next month and I've only got a few t-shirts left from last year!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Enjoying "Enjoyment"

I've begun a new salvaged cupboard door piece. This work in progress is so far named "Enjoyment" because that is what keeps coming to my mind as I work on it. I have painted it with whimsical acrylic washes and am now woodburning some details into it. My plans at this point include adding some shadows with acrylic, painting some of the frame with the same colors as the interior and adding some white highlights after I woodburn the piece.

"Enjoyment" Detail work

Here is a closer shot of some of the woodburning I am doing on this piece. I like to listen to music when I do this and so far my favorite music for this piece is Andreas Volenwieder. Very passionate and grand and well, enjoyable.